Manjimup plays hosts to an amazing variety of events and festivals.
Right throughout the year, some of the best and most loved events are held right here. Why not plan your holiday so you can join in the fun?
Australia Day Celebrations – Throughout
Manjimup Speedway 2023 - 24 Season (continuing to March)
Kristofferson Cup Gold Tournament – Manjimup
Targa Rally – Pemberton
Pioneer Cup Golf Tournament – Walpole
Warren Agricultural Show – Manjimup
Walpole Sailing Regatta – Walpole
Sunsmart Karri Valley Triathlon – Pemberton
Karri Cup MBT Challenge – Northcliffe
Pemberton Art Prize & Annual Exhibition – Pemberton
Sculpture in the Vines Exhibition - Pemberton
Community & Easter Markets - Walpole
Smarter Than Smoking WA MX State Championship - Manjimup
Festival of Country Gardens – Manjimup, Pemberton
Manjimup Shootout Golf Tournament – Manjimup
Gravity Enduro Mountain Bike Race - Pemberton
National Reconciliation Week Celebrations - Throughout
Manjimup 15, 000 Motocross - Manjimup
King Karri Cup Golf Tournament - Pemberton
Truffle Kerfuffle - Manjimup
WOW Weekend of Workshops - Pemberton
Karri Rally - Round 4 Motorsport Australia WA Rally Championships -
​Nannup Flowers and Garden Festival - Nannup
Blooming Wild Celebration of our Natural Environment - Throughout
Bluegrass and Old Time Music Festival – Manjimup
Pemberton Arts Group Annual Spring Art Exhibition - Pemberton
Market Day - Quinninup
Festival of Country Gardens – Throughout
JB Ipsen Memorial Golf Tournament – Manjimup
Festival of Country Gardens – Throughout
Manjimup Speedway season - Manjimup
​Blues at Bridgetown Music Festival - Bridgetown
Cherry Harmony Festival - Manjimup
Carols by Candlelight - Throughout
New Year's Eve Fireworks - Manjimup, Pemberton

One of Australia's most prestigious international outdoor motocross events on the renowned Cosy Creek circuit. This is still the largest Motocross event on the Australian calendar featuring International, National and local riders all competing for a prize pool of $22 000 on the most iconic motocross track in the country.
Willy Thompson- Dirt High Promotions
Cnr Cosy Creek Road and South West Highway

TRUFFLE kerfuffle
In 2024 the Truffle Kerfuffle was held on 28th - 30th June. Get ready for a weekend long celebration of truffle season in the heart of Australian truffle country, Manjimup, Western Australia! Go truffle hunting and uncover an amazing weekend of food and wine in the Southern Forests.
699 Seven Days Road
Manjimup, WA 6258
Photo credit of Jessica Wyld

It's Back and we can't wait!
We are excitied to announce the return of the Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival for 2024! The festival will be held on Satrurday December 14th in the centre of Manjimup and will include all your favourites from artisan food and creative markets, The Neil Halden Tyrepower Wood Chopping, the fabulous Grande Parade, musicians, street artists, photography expo plus heaps more....... and of course, cherries!
Join us for this FREE event and follow us on Facebook and Instrgram to keep up to date with new announcements as they are confirmed.
We can't wait to see you in December!